iDoceo forum 2418 topics

Ask any questions about iDoceo here!
You have to register in order to write in these topics

For anything else not found here, or if you have any trouble writing in the forum please drop us a line at support(at)

Si vous avez une question, vous pouvez l'écrire en français aussi.

News&Announcements 273 topics

Re: Classroom Teammates 1.4/1.5 is ...
by bert
3 months 2 weeks ago
Re: Planner Font
by bert
3 months 2 weeks ago

Gradebook 187 topics

Best place to record iterative ...
by Melanie.Is
3 months 3 weeks ago

Calculations 134 topics

While we keep adding new entries in the HowTos please feel free to ask here anything related to the calculations engine.
Re: Modifier le calcul dans une ru ...
by snah
4 months 3 weeks ago

Rubrics 56 topics

All rubric related questions should go here.
If you'd like to share your rubrics this is the place too.
Re: Importing rubric data columns ...
by Stushep82
4 months 6 days ago
Re: Bullets in Planner....
by Melanie.Is
3 months 4 weeks ago
Re: Seeing new Moodle students
by grhafer30
6 months 2 weeks ago

Seating plan 77 topics

Re: Attendance from seating plan: ...
by gavin
3 months 1 week ago

Forum français 410 topics

Tous les utilisateurs doivent poster ici en français. N'hésitez pas à échanger vos questions et expériences avec d'autres utilisateurs
Re: Idoceo connect - limitation à ...
by bert
10 months 13 hours ago

Deutsches Forum 143 topics

Bitte posten Sie Ihre Fragen hier auf Deutsch
Please do post any questions you may have here in German

Einige unserer Nutzer haben in ihrem YouTube-Kanal hochwertige Videos speziell für deutsche Nutzer vorbereitet.
Ich glaube, dieses hier ist von Tobias, danke für all deine harte Arbeit.
Bitte schauen Sie ihn sich hier an und abonnieren Sie ihn!
Re: Berechnung Gesamtnoten mit unt ...
by Ruislip
6 months 3 weeks ago

Suggestion Box 271 topics

Have some feedback and input to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our app and our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.
Re: iDoceo Connect - text input di ...
by bert
4 months 2 weeks ago