In iDoceo, you have a comprehensive key skills and standards management system. You will find standards management under Menu > Options > Standards.
If your key skills are related to competencies, you should create them first under Menu > Options > Key Skills. You can add as many standards files as you need, and there is no limit to the list. However, keep in mind that each class in your notebook can be associated with only one standards file.
Custom Translations
Some terms used by iDoceo can be changed to other terms that better fit our case. Among these translatable terms are "Standards" and "Key Skills," these two concepts can thus be better adapted to the legislation of each country.
From Options > Custom translations.
Download Template
Share your standards or criteria templates.
Import iDoceo templates for standards and criteria.
Allowed Formats
Needed columns
- Single-column format: The standard code and its description appear in the same cell. It would look like the image on the left.
- Two-column format: One column for the code, another for the description, central image
- Horizontal format: Code and description are in the same cell but distributed horizontally, with the image on the right.
One Column Format
Two columns Format
Vertical Format
What type of codes, what happens with the blocks?
Key Skills, automatic detection.
iDoceo attempts to automatically locate the acronyms of the competencies assigned to each standard within the description. For example, in this fragment here, the corresponding competencies CMCT, CD, and CAA will be automatically marked.
Automatic Key Skills detección
You can also assign the competencies manually with just a single tap or indicate a higher weight with a long tap.