The grade book in iDoceo will let you keep track of any data, grades, assessment or evidence regarding your day to day in class.
Each cell is a multilayered container able to hold text,icons, grades, resources (image,video,photos,files) and annotations.
You'll be able to add calculations, averages, additions, conditions, and you'll see its results in real time while you insert your data
Students 12
Calculations 28
These are all the HowTos related to calculations. This list is updated quite often, but if you don't find what you're looking for, drop us a line at the forum.
Attendance 2
e-mail 3
With iDoceo you'll be able to send e-mails to students and their parents with simple notices or information regarding their grades, assessment details, resources.
E-mails are personalized effortlessly for each student and it can contain any of the data you've inserted in your grade book.