How to do a quick backup
Tap on the cloud icon on the menu bar > Quick backupThis option is only available if the 'automatic backups' in iDoceo are disabled.
As a more flexible backup alternative, iDoceo introduced since its version 3.1 a faster backup method called 'Quick backup'. This backup only contains your data and its size will be a small fraction of the larger conventional backup.
What information is stored in a quick backup
Everything except your resources (ie. PDFs,images, videos and sound files)It will store all the data in your gradebooks, grade types, calendars, lesson plans (without files), students,their photos and seating plans.
How do I know one backup from the other
When restoring a backup, the quick backup will have the '(Quick)' text next to it.Below an image of the list of backups

How would I restore these kind of backups if I had a problem
If you'd like to restore your resource files as well, you should first restore the most recent conventional backup and then after that,restore the most recent Quick backup on top.If you only need to restore your data and the resources are already there, simply tap on the most recent quick backup.