There is a more recent version available already!
This list is kept for reference only
This list is kept for reference only
iOS10 ready
- Touch ID is now supported in password settings
- Improved iPad Pro 12´ compatibility
Google Classroom integration (details here)
- Import classes from Google Classroom
- Link your current classes with Google Classroom
- Download grades from any assignment
- Upload grades from any column
- Upload rubrics, resources and any kind of attachment
- Works with any grade type, text based or numeric
- Create new Classroom assignments from iDoceo
Gradebook improvements
- 5 additional summary column calculations
- Improved student sort options. Sort by personal fields
- Improved students filter. Filter by personal fields and icons
- New icon counter calculation in columns summary and widgets
- Easily import CSV/XLS files into a column
- Rubric results can now be manually overwritten
- Text alignment option, affects all gradebooks

Rubric additions
- Add full rubrics in your reports
- Export full rubrics individually to PDF
- New 'Skip empty rows' option
- New rubric calculation: Simple addition
- Decimal point values are now supported
- Rubrics now support quick conversions in gradebook
- New shortcut, edit and copy rubric configurations from gradebook
Seating plan
- Multiple student selection
- Drag and drop multiple students at once
- Edit in bulk, align and change frame color
- numberDrop available and edits multiple students at once

Time related features
- New Chrono editor in gradebook and seating plan (a short video here)
- Individual timers, lap control, bulk operations
- New timeDrop tool
- New virtual grade 'Time result' to calculate time
- New time related formula functions
- Column summary calculates average, highest and lowest times

Key skills and standards
- New key skills and standards manager
- Columns and rubrics can be linked to key skills and standards
- Additional key skills and standards widgets
- Create key skills groups
- Up to four key skills and standards widgets
- Show tabs individually or merged
- All standards or a selection

Multiple columns
- Create attendance columns in bulk between dates
- Favorite columns, repeat a combination
- Easily import iDoceo templates in gradebook
- Create key skills and standards calculations
Handwritten notes
- Create standalone notepads, unlimited pages
- Change specific page backgrounds
- Improved pan and zoom gestures
- Full PDF reports of whole notebook or a selection
- Rearrange pages