iDoceo offers several methods to keep track of your students' attendance.
You can either do it from the grade book or from the seating plan views. Both options can be used at any time.
In the gradebook just tap Add Column button, select Attendance , a new attendance collumn is now available, doble tap on an empty cell and the attendance editor appears. To end the procedure press Finish Attendance

Default attendance settings
The default attendance settings such as title, color, width and grade type can be modified from the gear icon next to Attendance just Tap on the right side of Attendance option
The 'attend all' option will automatically mark all students as present after adding a new attendace column.
The date format for attendance and other columns is configured here

Attendance statistics
The summary view will let you add 3 attendance widgets. They will take into account the attendance columns in your gradebook, from any tab and from all students.
- Attendance period (bars)
- Attendance period (pie)
- Last attendance day

Student's statistics
You will have access to the attendance summary from the student's personal sheet:
- From the grade book or seating plan view double tap on a student > attendance or long tap
- From the seating plan double tap on a student > attendance or long tap
Tap on the attendance tab and you'll have an attendance summary of all the attendance columns in the gradebook.