iDoceo consistently crashes on macOS after a few seconds

1 year 5 months ago #30791 by FLeupold
iDoceo (8.4.4) has started consistently crashing on an iMac and a MacBook Pro today. This seems to be independent of any input, and happens even when nothing is done after opening the app.

I would be surprised to be the only one who this happens to, as it occurs on two different machines. – Is this a known bug?
1 year 5 months ago #30792 by BB
Me too!  Just started.  Need it addressed ASAP!  Grades due!
1 year 5 months ago #30794 by SAULNIER
Après ouverture de l'application sur MCBOOK AIR , elle disparait de l'écran au bout de 2/3 secondes. Hier, mardi 7/02/23 j'ai pu utiliser l'application sans problème.
que se passe t il aujoud'hui?
1 year 5 months ago #30804 by nifernic
Same for me.  I've grown so accustomed to using the Mac version, hope they fix it soon!  Following for updates.
1 year 5 months ago #30805 by bert
Hello everyone,
  This is due to an issue at Apple that has been patched already in the Mac App Store with our version 8.5.0
  You only have to update from this link below or at the App Store
