"Total points grading" calculation - hide the value

1 year 1 month ago #31019 by Urche0n
I have created a custom grade type with 4 categories that are assigned depending on the total score in a folder:

When I use that custom grade type with simple addition, average, or weighted average calculations, it presents as expected, populating the field with one of the 4 categories, and colouring the category. IE:

However, the only calculation that appears to work correctly for my folder structure without requiring manual adjustment to weightings etc is the "Total Points Grading" calculation.  When I use that calculation with my custom grade type, for some reason it changes how it presents in the column, instead of applying colouring, the colouring is lost, and a new score is added alongside my text score which I do not want to appear:

Is there any way to make my custom grade type look like the first example, where it's only showing the text, and colouring the cell, while using the "Total Points Grading" calculation in that column??  The reason I want to use total points grading as the calculation type, is I would like to re-use this folder level grading structure across many outcomes I am tracking, and they will have a variable number of assignments within the folder with different totals, so having to manually calculate the correct weightings of each assignment and adjust the weightings manually for each folder to get the weighted average calculation to come out correctly is much more headache than just using the total points grading that comes to the same overall % without needing the manual adjustments.

Thank you!
1 year 1 month ago - 1 year 1 month ago #31021 by Ruislip
Thanks for the detailed feedback!
We’ll prepare a small beta for you to try with this ussue addressed.
You will receive an invitation from Apple/Testflight between today/tomorrow

Best regards
Last edit: 1 year 1 month ago by Ruislip.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Urche0n
1 year 1 month ago #31024 by Urche0n
Thank you for considering making this change, and I look forward to testing.
This software continues to amaze me with the number of features and options available.
1 year 1 month ago #31025 by bert
You should the invitation from Apple/Tesflight to install he Beta in your Inbox. Give it a look when
you have a chance and maybe the spam folder, if it isn'there!
1 year 1 month ago #31026 by Urche0n
Thank you Bert for applying the colour formatting to this calculation type, I have pulled down the latest beta and this looks excellent.
I was at first also trying to get rid of the score below the text, but have since discovered that I can export with just the text, and also using the Standards widget, can carve out my text grades without the additional numeric score, so keeping the score here for additional detail is more useful with those other options available.

