Other e-mail options: Annotations, resources, lessons
Annotations can be sent as well and it will attach all of its resources.
Tap&hold on a cell, then Annotations

Planner/Diary lessons

Sending a selection of resources (details here)
Tap on tools/(Hammer icon) > Resources
Default e-mail address
All e-mails are sent by the Mail app in your iPad (that is the iOS system provided Mail app) and it solely depends on your iPad settings. iDoceo has no access to your e-mail configuration, account details or messages.
If you'd like to change the default e-mail account used by the Mail app: Tap on your iPad Settings > Mail > Default Account as shown in this image
If you do not have a 'Default account' option it means you have configured a single account in your Mail app and it is already used by default.
Related articles
Sending emails to students, parents I and others (A)Sending student report by e-mail
Sending a file or resource to all your students at once