Configuring your schedule (compact)

Before configuring your schedule, you should create your classes, even if empty

Main gestures

Pinch to zoom in &out
Tap&hold for options on a given time block
Tap on a time block to open its linked class
Tap on an empty spot to add a class
Swipe from left/right to toggle between Schedule 1 and 2
The schedule in compact mode is not backed by a calendar (i.e. you will not see any dates). If you would like to add holidays, need a planner or work with events you should consider woriking in full-size mode instead(explained here).

Configuring the timelines

The timelines in the schedule are only for reference, you may add classes that do not strictly belong to these times.

teacher ipad

teacher ipad

At this point, if you are on a two week schedule and your time lines are the same for your week B , tap on 'Schedule 1' text and Copy
This will replicate your current conifguration to your Schedule 2

How to enable Rotating cycles

From the main screen / Settings / Working days option, enable the option 'Show numbers instead of weekdays'

Adding your classes

Tap&hold on the day of the week and between the time lines you'd like to add that class to.
If you've got the same class repeated at the same times in a different week day, tap&hold on it and then copy.
If a time block does not correspond to a class, simply type its text in the Title

Just like this

teacher ipad

An example