A filter can be applied automatically from iDoceo´s main screen > Search .
This provides quick access to student´s data while keeping the rest of students hidden
This provides quick access to student´s data while keeping the rest of students hidden
If you'd like to focus on a specific group of students, or a single student, this is where the Student filter will help you.
Filters can be stablished in many ways , it is even posible to filter students according to the score obtained in one Test.
All the features in iDoceo will work on that specific group.
For instance:
- The grade book will only show that group of students and their data.
- The seating plan will focus on that group as well
- The reports will only include that group of students
- The e-mails will only be sent to those students that are shown in the grade book

Quick filter/Single student
A long tap on a student's name will also apply a filter and will only show that student's data in the gradebook.To disable this filter tap on the funnel on top bar as you would do with any other kind of filter