How to configure your schedule
Before configuring your schedule you should create your classes, even if empty
What is this full-size mode you keep mentioning

First step. The schedule, planner and calendar
The schedule, planner and diary are linked by a calendar. This calendar should reflect your weeks configuration, day cycles, holidays and schedule changes during your school's term.
You should first configure the initial sequence of week(s)or days in your cycle from the schedule view. You will then be able to replicate that sequence with a tap on Copy on the right corner of your schedule. More details (explained here)
Main gestures
Pinch to zoom in &out
Tap&hold for options on a given time frame
Tap on a time block to open a class' gradebook
Tap on an empty time block to add a new one
Configuring the timelines
The timelines in the schedule are a mere reference, they will help you configure the time blocks in your schedule but you can add classes that do not strictly belong to these times.
From Schedule screen Options > Time lines
Additionally, you may apply a colour to certain periods. In our example, the time frame between 11:00 and 11:10 will be painted red and from 13:00 to 13:10 in green

Adding your classes
Tap on the day of the week and in an empty slot to add that class to.
If you've got the same class repeated at the same times in a different week day, tap&hold on it and then copy.
If a time block does not correspond to a class, simply type its text in the Title, left below image.
In the below right image, it is shown an Schedule with Time lines: